21 March 2008

Now they've got the Pope worried

Seems the al-Qaeda tapes are taking on the Pope, saying that he's running a new Crusade against the Muslims. He isn't, and he doesn't have the power of the last pope that laid on a crusade nearly eight hundred years ago, but it's nice of them to think he is. Of course, if one of them tries to kill him like that other pope, it won't be so funny.
But the papal authorities couldn't let all this pass without asserting that "religion must be respected"...

Rico says religion must be respected? For what? Just 'cause? For several millenia of mindless assertions like that? For conducting religious wars that fractured countries and sent countless thousands to untimely deaths because they weren't the 'right' religion? One thinks of the Huguenots, the Protestants (who had to flee to the New World; bummer), and the Jews (though Stalin put it best when asked about getting the Pope to condemn Hitler: "How many divisions does this Pope have, anyway?"). Respect is earned, not demanded. When religion does something worthy of respect, Rico will respect it (and does, on a tactical level). Until then, the Pope and all his minions can go fuck themselves (and, doubtless, will)...

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