21 March 2008

Morons. Surrounded by morons.

Seems several contract employees of the State Department went fishing in the records to have a look at Obama's passport file. The department still isn't sure what they saw or who they told, but they're working on it: "Two State Department employees were fired and a third has been disciplined for improperly accessing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's passport file, the State Department announced Thursday night... Senior Department officials said they learned of the incidents only when a reporter made an inquiry Thursday afternoon. They said an initial investigation indicated the employees - all of whom worked on contract - were motivated by "imprudent curiosity."

Rico says this was particularly stupid, because there's been a program in place for over a decade to flag just this sort of behavior: "The employees were each caught because of a computer monitoring system that is alerted when the passport account of a 'high-profile person' is accessed, department spokesman Tom Casey said. The computer monitoring system, which focuses on politicians and celebrities, was put in place in recent years after the State Department became embroiled in a scandal involving the access of the passport records of Bill Clinton in 1992, when he was the Democratic presidential candidate."

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