05 March 2008

If they want to be as stupid as the rest of us, let 'em

Seems gays are back in court, demanding to be allowed to be married just like straight couples. "The state ban on same-sex marriage is based on a law enacted by the Legislature in 1977 and a statewide initiative approved by the voters in 2000 that defined marriage as being only between a man and a woman. The question before the court is whether those laws violate provisions of the state Constitution protecting equality and fundamental rights." "The Supreme Court here was the first state high court to strike down a law barring interracial marriage, in a 1948 decision called Perez v. Sharp. The United States Supreme Court did not follow suit until 1967." "“The essence of the right to marry is freedom to join in marriage with the person of one’s choice,” Chief Justice George said at one point, quoting a passage from the Perez decision." “State law recognizes that families take many forms,” he said, “and the state does not give preference to one form over another.”

Rico says if they want the same right to be miserable while together and impoverished when they get divorced, what the hell...

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