15 February 2008

Excellent commentary

This, from Melanie Phillips' column in the Spectator:

"Too many in the government cannot get their heads round the fact that, while what we are up against is not war as conventionally understood, i.e., aggression between states, it is much more than terrorism because of the strategic goals, which are the overthrow of the West. Partly because the establishment persists in thinking that as this is such a preposterous proposition (How can people stuck in the 7th century possibly ever overthrow the most powerful civilisation in the history of the planet? Too ridiculous for words, dear boy!) it could never happen and therefore should not be taken seriously, and partly because that establishment is so terrified by the implications of a religious war of cultural conquest that it takes refuge in a myriad different fatuous other explanations for what is happening."

Rico says we must understand that there are people out there who want us (and all we stand for) dead, and they will try again one of these days...

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