04 February 2008

Can't believe they still believe this shit

With everything we have to really worry about in this world, up to and including the eventual explosion of the sun, why do people waste time and energy hating Jews?
Even Rico doesn't really hate anyone, even the Islamic freaks he rants about frequently; he dislikes them, sure, but if they weren't trying so hard to kill us, he wouldn't care. (Well, that's not true; Rico hates pedophiles, and would have them all killed if it were possible, just because you can't stop them otherwise, and they're a bad thing...)

The classic word on the subject, however, comes from a great movie The Dunera Boys, where the rabbi is asked for his definition of anti-Semitism and came up with this: "Anti-Semitism is hating Jews more than absolutely necessary."

Rico says he couldn't agree more. Jews are no more nor less worthy of being hated, on an individual basis, than any other group. You just can't hate them as a group...

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