24 December 2007

From obfuscation to prevarication

Seems that Hillary is now touting her "independent role in the Irish peace process".
Unfortunately, no one actually involved in the Irish peace process remembers her being there.
When you don't have any actual experience, I guess you just gotta make some up...
But, hey, it's high time to have another lying Clinton in the White House, don't you think? We'd almost started to miss the last one:
"Bill Clinton’s performance on the Charlie Rose Show on Friday night showed a defensive, angry, and off-message former president trying desperately to sell his wife’s faltering candidacy. Throughout the interview, Clinton repeatedly tried to disparage Obama’s experience, and, in the process, distorted some important aspects of American presidential history (including his own) while conveniently forgetting about others."
"The former president's memory of history was equally faulty when he rhetorically questioned whether America had ever elected a president as inexperienced as Obama. The answer is: yes, we have -- and they turned out to be the two greatest presidents of the 20th Century. Woodrow Wilson was first elected to public office in 1908 when he was chosen to be governor of New Jersey. Four years later, he was in the White House. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was first elected governor of New York State in 1928 and became president four years later."
"But it was not his failure to recall history accurately that led his apparently panicked aides -- as reported on air by Rose -- to push for an end to the embarrassing interview. It was that Bill had taken off the gloves by implying that electing Obama was a risk for the American people. And he appeared to agree when Rose characterized the former president's views as suggesting that electing Obama would be 'a roll of the dice'."
"When Hillary or Bill attack Obama, they only antagonize voters. Particularly at risk are the black voters who make up the bulk of the Democratic electorate in South Carolina and who will heavily influence the Florida primary vote as well. Reeling from a week of ill considered personal attacks on Obama, the Clinton campaign sought to recover its footing only to stumble badly once again when an out-of-control spouse, who happens to have been president, put them back in the doghouse with Democratic voters."

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