25 December 2007

Desperate times require desperate measures

Seems, according to a CNN on-line report, that al-Qaeda-in-Iraq is trying to kill off those who oppose them, which will probably only increase their number.
There are now, it seems, 'Awakening Councils', or anti-al-Qaeda groups, in many Iraqi cities. One member in Baquba was killed on Monday, and during his funeral on Tuesday a suicide bomber blew himself up among the mourners, killing four members of the Council and wounding twenty others. One of the dead was Hajj Farhan al-Baharzawi, the local head of the Brigades of 20th Revolution, a former Sunni insurgent group -- now an ally of the U.S. military. (Hajj means he'd made the pilgrimage to Mecca, a high honor among Muslims.) This will not improve the mood of the Sunnis, either.
Rico says tee, hee, hee, couldn't happen among a nicer bunch of guys...
Also on Tuesday, a suicide car bomb attack "near a government complex in the northern Iraqi city of Baiji" killed more than 23 and wounded over 80. They got it when they were gathered around a truck selling cylinders of cooking gas at a checkpoint "manned by Iraqi soldiers and members of a local Awakening Council". There were secondary explosions, too, when the cooking gas lit off.
One of these days the Shi'a and the Sunni are going to get tired of this shit and start killing off aQiI members.
Rico says it is an outcome devoutly to be wished, and he can hardly wait for them to get started...
Then, maybe, we'll be able to declare victory and come home.

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