25 December 2007

Death by religious fervor, yet again

Seems that 400 people got on a 500 meter bridge, all at the same time, when "local residents were heading to a religious ceremony to celebrate the full moon that began Monday" in Nepal. It, of course, collapsed, throwing them into the gorge below. At least six, so far, are reported dead and hundreds missing.
As many as 100 managed to swim to safety.
Now, I'm sure it was a spectacular full moon. Someone at dinner here that night commented on how great it looked, what with the proximal approach of one of the planets and Sirius the Dog Star.
However, the damn thing goes full (which is, after all, an optical illusion anyway) every 28 days, and has some other celestial object lurking around it most of the time.
None of this, to me, is worth killing yourself and your fellow man over, religion be damned...

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