09 October 2007

New toy

I've barely got it charged, much less programmed.
Not being a music junkie, I got it mostly to have my Westerns handy to show people. ("Hey, wanna see my video?" Where was this technology when I was dating...)
Oh, sure, I might have a tune or two on it, just for listening in the car or something. But I won't be spending a fortune on iTunes the way some folks have.
Don't worry, Apple stock isn't going to fall based on my behavior...

But the damn thing is so tiny...
It weighs almost nothing, too. I can see why people wear them around their necks.

But I have been listening to music on it, and I can see the addiction. (See related story above.)
But I'm still not going to make iTunes rich; I can copy all my old CDs for nothing...
I'm still wrestling with getting video to work, and that's still the primary goal for this puppy.

For those who care (and I know they're out there watching), this was purchased with the credit that Steve Jobs provided to the early adopters of the iPhone (price protection when they lowered the price). I only had to put out about fifty bucks of real money. And as for the iPhone, best money I ever spent. Jobs and crew did an amazing thing with it. All phones will have to have functionality like that soon, or wither on the vine. As a person with less-than-perfect eyesight (so far, anyway), it's a blessing. You can actually read it, even in sunlight, and find what you need. An incredible gift; thanks, Steve.

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