14 October 2007

I've become what I always dreaded...

...a fucking Morning Person.
It's 6.27 as I write this, and I've been awake since (and I can't believe I'm even writing this) 5am.
Lay there for awhile and finally got up to shower and get dressed and come in here about six or so.

Remember, every war we were ever in was started by a Morning Person. It's always been "attack at dawn".
Now I know why, but with all our night-vision equipment it can surely become "let's attack at dusk", right?

For those of us old enough to remember home delivery, the sound of the milkman clinking up the walk: a fucking Morning Person.

The disgruntled driver who greeted us at the open door of the school bus: a fucking Morning Person.

The smiling father who insisted on standing in the door of our bedroom and talking to us whilst brushing his teeth: a fucking Morning Person.

All what I never wanted to be. But be careful what you wish for, because the karma lords have a bad sense of humor. And now I'm a reason for their laughter.

Good morning!
Now shut the fuck up.

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