13 October 2007

Fred, and the reasons why

In case there are those out there who would say (stupidly) "Why should we elect an actor as President?" and try to paint Fred Thompson as some updated equivalent of Ronald Reagan, let's remember a few important distinctions:

1. Fred was a politician first, before becoming an actor.
2. Fred was a pretty good Senator, even if he is from Tennessee.
3. Fred is a better actor than Ronald Reagan ever was, even on his best day.
4. Fred has pretty good hair; not quite as good as Ronnie, maybe, or even George Bush, but good enough to be president.
5. Fred won't throw up on the Japanese prime minister.
6. Fred can hang with Jay Leno.
7. Fred knows how to speak in public. That's important in a president.
8. Fred looks good in suits.
9. Fred can hold his own with 'tough guys' like Chavez and Putin. (Hell, he outweighs them both.)
and the best reason to elect Fred Thompson as our next president:
10. Fred knows how to be funny. And if you don't think that's going to be important over the next few years, you haven't been paying attention...

For those who have no sense of history (and you know who you are), Fred Thompson was the Senate Watergate Committee's chief minority counsel in 1973 and 1974. In 1994, in his first foray into electoral politics, he won the special election for former vice president Al Gore's Senate seat. (Note subtle irony here...)
After the death of his adult daughter in 2002, Thompson decided not to seek reelection.

Now either go to the box in the sidebar or to http://www.fred08.com/index.aspx and send him some money. No one gets elected in this country without a lot of it.

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