12 September 2007

Sometimes ya gotta break the rules

Not that I'd ever do that, of course...
But when you get a classic spam message like this:

Dear Friend,
I wish to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Japan. Now I am in Japan for investment projects with my partner. Therefore contact my secretary in Cotonou Benin Republic his information are below;
MR.David John
Email: (david_john9_9@yahoo.fr)
He will send you a CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT of ($800.000.00 ) compensation which I kept for all the past efforts and attempts you made to assist me in that transaction.
Most importantly, send to him your current Contact Address and your Telephone Numbers to enable him send you the BANK DRFAT.
Please let me know immediately you receive it so that I can share the joy with you.
Thanks and God bless you.
MR. Nike Obi

sometimes you just gotta respond, if only like this:

Do people actually respond to shit like this? (I know, I know, I'm breaking all the rules of the internet and writing back myself, but sometimes you can't resist.)
While I doubt seriously that you're willing to 'share the joy' with me to the tune of 800, let alone 800,000, dollars, it is an amusing notion.
Since I am (if one-sidedly) done with this conversation, you need not reply. I will not engage either of you in further pleading and denials.
Just know that you have provided a moment's amusement in the internet world; it's worthy of another post on my blog, but I wouldn't know how to write up my total derision for you and this phenomenon.
Do, please, find some other way to amuse yourself. (Though why is it that you guys always have such weird names, like someone out of "Buckaroo Banzai in the Eighth Dimension"? I know that the Nigerians, and maybe the folks in Benin for all I'm aware, have odd-by-American-standards names, but 'David John'? Yet the davidjohn99 is such a nice touch, though it's scary to think that there's another 98 of him out there.)
If anyone's stupid enough to pay you some 'finder's fee' in an attempt to get their hands on the magical 800,000 bucks, take it. A fool and his money may be soon parted, but an internet fool should be taken immediate advantage of.
While I doubt you are in the Benin Republic, wherever you are, I hope your computer suddenly and mysteriously melts down around your fingers...

But don't you love things like "Dear Friend", "his information are below", and "drfat" (I knew he meant draft, and everyone types badly once in awhile, but still...), and "share the joy"?
I was lying about not putting him on my blog, of course; how could one resist? Besides, I have no problem coming up with any necessary amount of derision...

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