12 September 2007

Some things just sum it all up

Listen, if you can (I found it painful, even six years later to the day), to the almost casual conversation of the people on the ground, and the 'trying to control my panic' conversation of Betty Ong, a flight attendant on Flight 11, on its way to the World Trade Center.
Then tell me, please, why it is that I'm supposed to be all nice and 'can't we all just get along' about the people who did this?
Fuck 'em. Shoot 'em in the head. Drop biological weapons on them. (Why, oh why, did we ever give that program up?) I'd say use nukes, but that's not a nice thing for the environment. (But, hey, it sure settled the hash of the Japanese who, if anything, were more war-like than the jihadis.)
As Michelle Malkin noted on her blog (which is where I found this video; my blogosphere thanks to her): "But remembrance without resistance to jihad and its enablers is a recipe for another 9/11... Not every American wears a military uniform. But every American has a role to play in protecting our homeland–not just from Muslim terrorists, but from their financiers, their public relations machine, their sharia-pimping activists, the anti-war goons, the civil liberties absolutists, and the academic apologists for our enemies."
Amen to that. To that end, on this blog I shall endeavor to "strive on with diligence". (The last words, supposedly, of the Buddha, they say.)

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