08 September 2006

Right answer, wrong question

I live in the Philadelphia area (hey, fatwa boys, over here!), and used to work near the world headquarters of the Quakers, a church formally known as the Religious Society of Friends.
Thus it is common for me to see vehicles bearing a bumpersticker issued by the Quakers that reads:
War is not the answer.
To which I can only reply, very true. But what was the question?
If the question was "what's the recipe for an egg salad sandwich?" or "how many Quakers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" or even "can we ever achieve eternal peace?", I think they're right.
But if the question was "how do we keep Islamofascists (or any other religious wackos from that polygamist sect in Arizona to Pat Robertson) from killing us?", then I don't think they understand the problem.
Do I advocate open warfare on any Muslim, anyplace, any time? Not when I'm sober, and most times not even when I'm drunk.
Do I advocate the selective use of violence on certain Islamic fundamentalist wackos (as in "I don't know what happened, Abdul didn't show up for work today"), absolutely.

Remember, I advocated carpet bombing of Colorado City, not Mecca...

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