10 September 2006

Racist? Not me

Before anyone starts weighing in (oh, you want to, you want to) that I'm some sort of Idaho-based, Bible-thumping, red-of-neck racist motherfucker, allow me to insist (a good offense being the best defense) that I am no such thing.
Race has nothing to do with it. I've been to three continents, many countries, and over forty of the United States. I have friends who come from many places, who speak (or their grandparents do) many different languages, are many different colors, eat many different cuisines at home, and even worship many different gods. (Or, some say, One God in many different forms.)
So it's not race. It's fucking religion.

As I've said before, I am an a-theist; that is, one who lives without any particular God.
So I don't really give a damn which delusional structure you choose to call your own (ranked by their number of adherents, to minimize the offense taken by their practitioners, but I've never even heard of some of these delusional structures): Christianity: 2.1 billion, Islam: 1.3 billion, Secular-Nonreligious-Agnostic-Atheist: 1.1 billion, Hinduism: 900 million, Chinese traditional religion: 394 million, Buddhism: 376 million, primal-indigenous: 300 million, African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million, Sikhism: 23 million, Juche: 19 million, Spiritualism: 15 million, Judaism: 14 million, Baha'i: 7 million, Jainism: 4.2 million, Shinto: 4 million, Cao Dai: 4 million, Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million, Tenrikyo: 2 million, Neo-Paganism: 1 million, Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand, Rastafarianism: 600 thousand, Scientology: 500 thousand.

(Given this list, the shade of Adolf Hitler is probably going: Fourteen million? So close, and yet so far... Okay, okay, that's not nice.)

Notice, however, that the Secular-Nonreligious-Agnostic-Atheist crowd is third on the list. Betcha wouldn't gave guessed that; me, either. Unfortunately, that number also includes a lot of dhimmis who think that this whole brouhaha with Islam is totally overblown...
(Note to Tom Cruise: do not send me email bitching about the measly last-place finish for Scientology. Take it up with them.)

On my good days, I would call myself a Zen Buddhist, and I do attempt to live by the precepts left behind by Buddha, who, contrary to the beliefs of many, was just a man not a god. (You will have noticed that there aren't any women at the head of any of the delusional structures above, unlike those men who had to insist that they are too God in order for you to take them, and their bullshit, seriously.)
On my bad days, however, as I've noted before, I belong to the Church of Superior Firepower, whose entire credo and catechism consists of walking up to people (carrying a large caliber handgun) and asking them Do you Believe? (As in, are your delusional structures contained in the above list?)
If they answer yes, then bang: off to whatever they Believe in, right then, right there. (The Hindus make it all too easy, of course, with that whole red dot thing... Okay, okay, that's not nice.)

But the problems of this world are largely, in my less-than-humble opinion, caused by people worrying far too much about the Next World, and I think they should all act on their own personal delusional structure and go there as rapidly as possible...

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