11 September 2006


1825 days ago, it was all over.
The second tower was down, and the dust was beginning to settle.
My ladyfriend and I were just getting off the ferry from Nantucket.
One of her children was working in lower Manhattan, the other near Pittsburgh, and she couldn't raise either of them on cellphone.
For us, it was a bad morning.
For 3,030 Americans, it was their last morning.
We had wonderful weather, in the Northeast; clear, almost no clouds, warm, dry. A beautiful fall day.
Too bad we couldn't really appreciate it.

Photo from 9/11 by Gedeon & Jules Naudet
I have, in the course of things, been reading many websites and blogs that attempt, in spite of Ockham's razor, to blame the loss of the four aircraft, the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon on any possible cause (including holograms, drones, and aliens) other than 19 Islamofascists and their America-hating enablers in al-Qaeda.
Given their tendency to over-analyze grainy video and ascribe dubious wonders therefrom, I would categorize them using the punchline from a great Irish joke: Are ye a total idiot, or is it just a trick of the light?
God (and a good plastic surgeon) help them if I ever get to have a face-to-fist discussion with one of them...

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