16 September 2006

Know your worth, dead

A young woman was murdered by Hamas gunmen in 2005 after a picnic on the beach in Gaza with her fiance and her brother-in-law-to-be. The matter was arbitrated by a religious court, and the Mufti of Gaza recently ordered 25,000 Jordanian dinars (USD35,687) to be paid to her family as 'blood money' (based on "the standard yardstick of 4.25 kg (150 ounces) of gold for a dead man and half that for a woman").
Why didn't the men involved go to jail? Because he judged her death was "accidental".

Again women are short-changed. I can't imagine why the feminists aren't out in the streets protesting this "gold ceiling", let alone the 'accidental' machine-gunning of a woman whose crime was having a picnic with her fiance...

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