07 September 2006

It could happen

While we're decrying the terrible behavior of those mean, mean Israelis in invading the Hezbollah strongholds in southern Lebanon, let's look at a historical parallel.
Suppose the Mashantucket Pequot Indian (oops, Native American) nation, located in Connecticut, decided that they were mad at the folks down in New York City for that whole "selling Manhattan for twenty four bucks in beads" thing. No matter that their tribe has no connection to Manhattan for, after all, what the white man did to one Native American nation, he did to all Native American nations... Ignore, too, the fact that the Mashantucket Pequots are a small percentage of Connecticut's population, have a different ethnic background and religion, etc.
Now, let's suppose that the Mashantucket Pequots, with all of their casino money, get ahold of some serious military hardware.
Say, Katyusha rockets:

(Okay, okay, so it's 137 miles, not 40 kilometers. So they'd have to spend a little more and get the big Fajr-3 rockets, right?)
And they launch them against random targets in the New York City area. The Katyushas come down, of course, on equally random victims, like old women and schoolchildren. But those people are guilty, too, aren't they, of belonging to the Oppressive White Regime that took New York (and Connecticut, for that matter) away from its original owners?
So the government of New York complains to the guys up in Hartford, who respond "hey, we can't control those guys. They're a nation unto themselves and, besides, they spend more on weapons than we do."
So the New Yorkers complain to the Feds (like the UN in this analogy), who say "hey, they're a nation unto themselves and, besides, we'll look bad if we go in and try and stop their legitimate expression of their long-standing oppression".
How long do you think it would be before a bunch of these:

marked NYPD on the side, would go roaring north on I-95, shoving Connecticut State Trooper vehicles out of the way, in order to kill as many Mashantucket Pequots as it took to stop the rockets?

Of course, when videos start being released, by Reuters 'journalists' with Mashantucket Pequot-sounding names like Kenneth Jones and Charlene Butler, of ambulances shot up by the NYPD, I'm sure the MSM would be only too happy to publish them...

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