06 September 2006

Coming soon to a flagpole near you

This is the flag of jihad. It's just like the traditional flag of Islam only in black, not green, to signify its use in a war. It contains the shahadah, the first of the Five Pillars of Islam: La allah illa Allah / Muhammed rasulu Allah, which translates as No deity but God (and) Muhammad (is) God's messenger. Pretty, as long as you don't know its meaning. Dangerous, if you've seen the recent video suggesting that Americans should all convert to Islam and thus pledge alligence to this flag.
So now, if you see someone parading through the streets (especially if they're in, say, the People's Republic of Berkeley) waving one, you have official permission to tear it out of their hands and burn it. (If the fool resists, hey, instant enemy combatant status...)

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