06 September 2006

Chastity? Isn't that a girl's name?

An earlier post on one of my favorite blogs, Waiter Rant, used the obviously antique phrase "chastity of the eyes" about his efforts to not look at a woman walking by his restaurant dressed only in a towel.
Curiosity made me look it up.
From the website of an expert in chastity, this: "To practice chastity there must be chastity of the eyes, chastity of the ears, chastity of thought, and chastity of desire."
The Waiter is a good (though lapsed) Catholic boy. (Actually, ex-seminarian; the worst.)
Me? No religion whatsoever. And guilty on all counts...

I had lunch recently with a friend of mine. She's half my age, near enough, and very beautiful. (Did I mention that she's beautiful? Really beautiful? Just checking.) Watching her eat, smile, laugh, and hug me goodbye helped me to understand why Hemingway called some of the women he slept with (or those he wanted to, which is the same thing, according to the experts) by the misnomer 'daughter'...

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