12 September 2006

And we thought we had problems

Apparently there's another boatlift of illegal immigrants afoot, one I didn't even know about.
It seems Africans from poor nations in Africa (which is all of them) are trying to land on the territory of richer nations to the north (which is all of them) and thus benefit from the jobs (and the welfare state) available in the European Union:

The Spanish are being hit particularly hard, because they have little post-colonial outposts (including the ridiculous rump states of Ceuta and Melilla on the coast of Morocco) closest to Africa. Their tourist islands of the Canaries are the newest targets, with thousands of people without documentation (because of the polite notion that they can only be sent back to their native countries, if the Spanish can't identify them, they can't deport them, a concept that has to go by the boards both there and here in the US) arriving by perilous ten-day boat journey:

The situation has gotten so bad that there are almost no fishing boats left on the coast of Senegal, because their owners (what's coyote in Arabic or French?) can make more money delivering a boatload of refugees in one week than they'd make in a year of fishing...

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