17 August 2006

The thousand-year war

We in the West are, and have been for some time, engaged in a life-or-death struggle with Islam. Not entirely by choice, but rather by force of circumstances.

Henceforth, I shall refer to it as the Thousand Year War. Not merely because I think it will last another thousand years (although I do), but because it has already lasted a thousand years.

The Quran states (you can look it up) that infidels (meaning all non-believers in Mohammed's delusional structure, excuse me, Islam) are to be fought and, if necessary, destroyed until the entire world is Islamic. (Islam, by the way means 'submission' in Arabic. To be Islamic is to submit to the will of Allah and abide by the rules as stated in the Quran; see Mohammed's delusional structure, above.) That means they're in this for the long haul, as in forever, like diamonds. If we fail to grasp that, we will fall even farther behind...

Don't believe that it has been (and will be) a thousand years? Then check this partial list of events (the boldface listings had actual or potential American casualties) in the War Between Islam & the West:

Capture of Jerusalem by Islamic forces, 638
Capture of Jerusalem by Turks (the first time), 1077
First Crusade, 1095
Capture of Jerusalem by the West (the first time), 1099
Second Crusade, 1145
Capture of Jerusalem by Islamic forces (the second time), 1187
Third Crusade, 1190
Fourth Crusade, 1201
Fifth Crusade, 1217
Sixth Crusade, 1228
Seventh Crusade, 1250
Capture of Jerusalem by Mamluks, 1260
Eighth Crusade, 1270
Ninth Crusade, 1271
Battle of Nicopolis, 1396
Siege of Vienna, 1529
Battle of Vienna, 1683
Napoleon invades Egypt, 1798
First Barbary War, 1805
Second Barbary War, 1815

Capture of Jerusalem by Egyptian forces, 1831
Capture of Jerusalem by Turks (the second time), 1840
Capture of Jerusalem by the West (the second time), 1917
Capture of Jerusalem (partial) by Israeli forces, 1948
Algerian War, 1954
Suez Crisis, 1956
Sinking of MV Dara by Omani terrorists, 1961
Six-Day War, including capture of Jerusalem by Israeli forces, 1967
Assassination of RFK by Palestinian, 1968
El Al attack by Palestinians, 1968
TWA hijacking by PFLP, 1969
Swissair attack by PFLP, 1970
School bus massacre in Israel by PLO, 1970
Airline hijackings, 1970
Lod Airport massacre, 1972
Sabena Airlines hijacking, 1972
Massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, 1972
Embassy attack in Sudan by Black September, 1973
PanAm attack in Rome by Fatah, 1973
Yom Kippur War, 1973
Embassy seizure by PFLP, 1974
Kiryat Shmona massacre by PFLP, 1974
Ma'alot massacre by PFLP, 1974
TWA bombing by Abu Nidal Organization, 1974
Savoy Hotel hostage attack in Tel Aviv by PLO, 1975
OPEC hostage attack in Vienna, 1975
Air France hijacking (Entebbe rescue operation), 1976
Schleyer kidnapping by Red Army Faction, 1977
Lufthansa hijacking (Mogadishu rescue operation); 1977
Haifa bus massacre by Fatah, 1978
Embassy seizure in Tehran, 1979
Bus attack in Antwerp by Abu Nidal Organization, 1980
Synagogue bomb attack in Paris, 1980
Sadat assassination by Islamic Jihad, 1981
Synagogue attack in Antwerp, 1981
Train bombing in Paris, 1982
Restaurant bombing in Paris, 1982
Lebanese-Israeli War (the first time), 1982
Gulf Air bombing by Abu Nidal Organization, 1983
Embassy and Marine Barracks bombings in Lebanon, 1983
Train bombing in Paris, 1983
Embassy bombing in Lebanon, 1984
Store bombing in Paris by Hezbollah, 1985
Cinema bombing in Paris by Hezbollah, 1985
TWA hijacking, 1985
Achille Lauro ship hijacking by PLF, 1985

EgyptAir hijacking by Abu Nidal Organization, 1985
Store bombings in Paris by Hezbollah, 1985
Rome airport attack by Fatah, 1985
Vienna airport attack by Fatah, 1985
Store bombings in Paris, 1986
Train bombing in Paris, 1986
TWA in-flight bombing by Abu Nidal Organization, 1986
Disco bombing in Berlin by Libya, 1986
PanAm hijacking by Abu Nidal Organization, 1986

Bombings in Paris, 1986
Iraqi Airways hijacking by Islamic Jihad, 1986
PanAm in-flight bombing by Libya, 1988
UTA in-flight bombing by Libya, 1989
Beach attack in Israel by PLF, 1990
US embassy in Israel attack by PLO, 1990
Iraq War (the first time), 1990
Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires by Islamic Jihad, 1992
CIA employees shot by Pakistani, 1993
Bombay bombings, 1993
WTC attack (the first time) by Islamic Jihad, 1993
NYC bomb plot, 1993
Somalia War, 1993

Jewish Center bombing in Buenos Aires by Hezbollah, 1994
Panamanian airline in-flight bombing by Hezbollah, 1994
Israeli embassy bombing in London by Hezbollah, 1994
Phillipine Airline in-flight bombing by al-Qaeda, 1994
Air France hijacking by GIA, 1994
US airliner bomb plot in Phillipines by al-Qaeda, 1995
Hospital attack in Russia by Chechens, 1995
Bombings in France by GIA, 1995
Bombing in Riyadh, 1995
Egyptian embassy bombing in Pakistan, 1995
Hospital attack in Russia by Chechens, 1996
Suicide bombings in Israel, 1996
Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia by Hezbollah, 1996
Shooting atop Empire State building by Palestinian, 1997
Luxor tourist massacre in Eqypt, 1997

Bombings in India by Islamic Jihad, 1998
Embassy bombings in East Africa, 1998
Bombings in Russia by Chechens, 1999
Jordanian tourist bomb plot, 1999
Millenium bomb plot, 1999

Indian Airlines hijacking by Taliban, 1999
Cathedral bomb plot in Germany by al-Qaeda, 2000
USS Cole attack, 2000
Dolphinarium massacre in Tel Aviv by Hamas suicide bomber, 2001
Restaurant bombing in Jerusalem by Hamas suicide bomber, 2001
WTC attack (the second time) by al-Qaeda, 2001
US embassy attack plot in Paris by al-Qaeda, 2001

Israeli minister assassinated in Jerusalem by PFLP, 2001
American Airlines in-flight bombing plot, 2001
Embassy attack in Singapore plot by al-Qaeda, 2002
Daniel Pearl kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan, 2002

Massacre in Netanya, Israel by Palestinian suicide bomber, 2002
Restaurant massacre in Haifa, Israel by Hamas suicide bomber, 2002
Synagogue bombing in Tunisia by al-Qaeda suicide bomber, 2002
Bus attack in Karachi, Pakistan, 2002
Train attack in Jaunpur, India, 2002
US consulate bombing in Karachi, Pakistan, 2002
Bus massacre in Jerusalem by Hamas suicide bomber, 2002
LAX shooting by Eqyptian, 2002
Tourist bombing attack in Bali, 2002

Theatre hostage attack in Moscow, 2002
Bus massacre in Jerusalem by Hamas suicide bomber, 2002
Hotel bombing in Mombasa, Kenya by al-Qaeda suicide bombers, 2002
Train crash in India, 2002
Bus massacre in Haifa, Israel by Hamas suicide bomber, 2003
US Army fratricide by Islamic convert, 2003
Housing bombings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia by al-Qaeda, 2003

Tourist bombings in Casablanca, Morocco by al-Qaeda, 2003
Hotel bombing in Baghdad, 2003
Bus massacre in Jerusalem by Hamas suicide bomber, 2003
Iraq War (the second time), 2003
Taxi bombings in Bombay, 2003
Restaurant massacre in Haifa by Palestinian suicide bomber, 2003
US diplomatic bombing in Gaza Strip, 2003
Synagogue bombing in Istanbul, 2003
British consulate bombing in Istanbul, 2003
Train bombing in Russia, 2003
Bus massacre in Jerusalem by Hamas suicide bomber, 2004
Train bombing in Moscow, 2004
Restaurant attack in Istanbul, 2004
Train bombings in Madrid, 2004
Shooting in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, 2004
Shooting in Israel by Islamic Jihad, 2004
Al-Khobar massacres in Saudi Arabia, 2004
Russian airline in-flight bombings by Chechen suicide bombers, 2004
School massacre in Beslan, Russia by Chechens, 2004
Australian embassy bombing in Jakarta, Indonesia, 2004
US consulate attack in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2004
Theatre bombing in Doha, Qatar, 2005
Tourist bombing in Cairo, 2005
London bombings (the first time), 2005
Shopping mall bombing in Netanya, Israel, 2005
London bombings (the second time), 2005
Tourist bombings in Eqypt, 2005
Tourist bombings in Bali, 2005
Massacre in Hadera, Israel by Palestinian suicide bomber, 2005
Tourist bombings in Amman, Jordan, 2005
Diplomatic bombing in Karachi, Pakistan, 2006
Car attack in North Carolina, 2006
Bombing in Tel Aviv by Islamic Jihad suicide bomber, 2006
Train bombings in Bombay, 2006
Lebanese-Israeli War (the second time), 2006
Airline bombing plot in London, 2006

This list does not begin to include all attacks on the West by Islamofascist terrorists, and will undoubtedly be out of date by the time the sun comes up. If you think they're not out to get us by now, I suggest you spraypaint the word dhimmi in big letters on the front of your house so we'll know who won't be helping us in the future...

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