26 August 2006

Capitalist pig castrated by commies

It seems that Wal-Mart, a disgusting excuse for a family-run business, has finally caved on the issue of unions.
Not here in the good old USofA, of course, where Sam's kin have long avoided paying real wages and providing health insurance to their workers. (That's how you get to be five of the top ten on Forbes' list of the 400 wealthiest people in America.)
The company has opened stores in China, a country that really knows about oppressing workers. In order to continue to do so, however, Wal-Mart has been forced to bargain with the state-run labor federation (undoubtedly packed with bribeable bureaucrats) over unionization of its 30,000 workers.

Too bad we can't turn the screws like the Chinese can. Someone should redo The Waltons, this time as a reality show about people even more self-centered and greedy than Paris Hilton...

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