10 February 2006

OTT blog for the day

Oh, but sometimes you do have to wonder...
When I saw this link ("Is it loving to be yoked with Sodomite Activists in a Gospel performance?") in someone else's blog, I knew I had to go there. (Okay, okay, I'm perverse.)

Doug spends most of his time decrying the casting of a "practicing sodomite and radical homosexual rights activist" in the new Christian film End of the Spear. (Who knew? Who cared? Obviously, he does. If you want to read all about it, go here.) Actually, I disliked the film on sight, because it promotes the overrunning of both the culture (including the religious beliefs) and the environment of indigenous peoples. The Christers did a damned good job of that here, starting with Plymouth Rock and heading west, and we shouldn't encourage them to keep up the 'good' work...

By the way, this is Doug's idea of God's love: "In my view, we should reject all Buddhist priests and practicing pedophiles who hope to become featured soloists and perform Amazing Grace before thousands at the next evangelism crusade".
I can't fault him for that. I don't want to hear someone perform Amazing Grace before thousands at the next crusade, either, Buddhist priest or no.

But he does reference the sending of the last Western Union telegram ("Effective January 27, 2006, Western Union will discontinue all Telegram and Commercial Messaging services"), so you learn something new in the oddest of places...

To quote Western Union, STOP

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