10 February 2006

Delusional structures, 101

I run across things like this ("We are wiring the house of the child's mind" and "Search the Scriptures for yourself then ask your husband or father for his counsel and direction") in the Christian blogs I discover in my 'next blog' reading, and my blood runs cold. They, just like the Islamofascists, truly believe that what they believe is the Truth.

As in the I will kill you because you do not believe as I believe-type truth.

These people (Christofascists, I guess) scare me.

I once (falsely) told a porch-full of Jehovah's Witnesses who'd gotten me out of bed far too early on a Saturday morning that I was a follower of Kali (one of the Hindu pantheon). When they asked me what the tenets of that faith were, I answered them (truthfully) that the highest worship of Kali was 'killing unbelievers'. (They backed slowly off the porch and said I didn't need to contribute anything for the copy of The Watch Tower they'd left behind.)

Maybe I need to rethink this whole 'belief' thing.
Maybe I need to start a religion whose entire practice consists of walking up to people at random (carrying a large caliber handgun) and asking them "Do you Believe?".
If they answer "yes", then bang... Off to whatever they Believe in, right then, right there.

(You may join the Church of Superior Firepower at any time, and perform its sacraments as you deem fit. Do not, however, attempt to use me as an alibi.)

Okay, okay, I know that that whole concept is wrong, but it's no more delusional than any of the other Great (I use the term in its historical context only) Religions...

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