15 February 2006

No such thing as an AD

Of course, Cheney having finally owned up to his, we should discuss the concept of 'accidental discharge'.
(No, that's not something on the sheets...)

I was taught that there's no such thing as an 'accidental' discharge of a firearm.
There may be an 'inadvertant' discharge, or an 'oops, I didn't mean to do that' discharge, but shy of a meteorite landing on your trigger finger and making the gun go off, there are no 'accidental' discharges. If the gun is in your hands and it goes off, you're responsible.

So Cheney screwed up.
Loss of hunting license? Sounds reasonable to me.
Required hunter training class? Surely.
Charged with negligent attempted homicide? Seems excessive.
Don't hunt with Cheney? Not a problem; I don't think I was invited anyway.

The last time a vice president shot someone was in Weehawken, New Jersey on July 11, 1804. (The famed Burr/Hamilton duel.)
Once every 200 years isn't so bad...

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