15 February 2006

Hunting in Texas

The media (mainstream and blogosphere) is all a-twitter over Cheney's hunting accident.
Keith Olbermann of MSNBC (who I usually like) even had to correct himself last night, after he'd conflated 30 yards into 90 feet into 90 yards and was trying to get some trauma surgeon to do live forensic analysis, hoping that the shooting had been hushed up because "the wounds are inconsistent with the use of a 28-gauge shotgun at 90 yards"...
The shooting wasn't 'hushed up'.
In Texas, when you're the guest of someone who owns a spread the size of the Armstrong Ranch, they do the talking, to the press or anyone else, and they do damn little of that.
Because, in Texas, when you shoot someone accidentally while hunting, you don't make a big deal out of it.
The Armstrongs sent the guy to the hospital, they called the sheriff, they called the local paper.
In Texas, at that point, you're done...

Damn, people, the Secret Service was on the scene!
Next thing you know, they'll be implicating some 'grassy knoll' shooter...

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