13 April 2018

Quote for the day from Rico's friend Kelley:

Yes, a bit of a let down. The tax reduction was good, and the deregulations, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, blasting the snot outta ISIS...these were good. The fat spending bill...not so much. But, I think he can weasel some money outta that to build the Wall. Happily, the LGBT's have been whinning & he's been appointing non-sympathetic people to offices. Love Betsy DeVoss...the only Cabinet Minister to ask for a reduction in budget and to eliminate programs that clearly haven't worked. Apart from her, he doesn't seem to be able to keep good help. I feel that his "governing-by-tweet" diminishes the office of President. Unfortunately, he's a smart-mouthed New Yorker and has to come out swinging at every bit of snark. The trouble is, he's not very good at it. He came off a poor second to Kim Jong Un in the trade off of school yard insults. (Winston Churchill could have had Kim weeping and wetting his pants.) Too bad he couldn't implement the Muslim ban. Too bad his own party can't unite behind some of his best ideas.

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