24 February 2018

Silicon Valley is so expensive that people who make $400,000 think they're middle-class; here's what the middle class actually is in the 25 largest US cities

Rico says he's long been out of the middle class...

Silicon Valley is so expensive that people who make $400,000 think they're middle-class — here's what the middle class actually is in the 25 largest US cities
Business Insider

Here's what the middle class is in the largest US cities. The Pew Research Center defines the US middle class as those earning 67% to 200% of the median household income. Middle-class Americans earned about $39,000 to $118,000 in 2016, according to Pew's definition, but middle-class incomes vary at the state and city levels. Some Silicon Valley residents earning $400,000 consider themselves to be in the middle class, a recent survey found. Some residents of Silicon Valley self-identify as being Read the full story

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