04 December 2017


The New York Times has an article by Maggie Astor about a failed demolition:

The Pontiac Silverdome in suburban Detroit, Michigan (photo) was supposed to be demolished on Sunday, but, after a series of explosions, the forty-two-year-old stadium was still standing.
For one of the only NFL teams never to make it to the Super Bowl, it was a little too on the nose.
As hundreds of people watched, a series of explosive charges raced around the base of the building, but when the smoke cleared, the stadium was still there.
Employees of the Adamo Group, the demolition contractor, turned to each other in consternation. “That didn’t work,” one said, The Detroit Free Press reported.
Officials interviewed by WXYZ in Detroit tried to put a positive spin on the blunder. Perhaps, they said, the Silverdome, which also housed the Pistons of the NBA from 1978 to 1988, was “built a little too well”.
Rick Cuppetilli, executive vice president of Adamo, told The Free Press that about ten percent of the explosives had failed to detonate because of faulty wiring. Those charges, installed in eight locations, were supposed to demolish the steel columns supporting the stadium’s upper level.
“There’s wires separated somewhere,” Cuppetilli said. “We’ve researched it. We haven’t found it yet. We’re going to continue research, but it’s not coming down today.”
Depending on the cause of the wiring problem, he added, Adamo may set off the unexploded charges later this week or take down the columns by other means. Company officials could not be reached on Sunday night.
Adamo was also behind the demolition last month of the Georgia Dome, where the Atlanta Falcons played from 1992 to 2016. That task went off without a hitch, unless you happened to be an employee of the Weather Channel, whose camera vantage point was blocked by a city bus at the worst possible moment. “Get out of the way, bus!” an employee yelped as the stadium, unseen, thundered to the ground. By the time the bus moved, there was nothing to see but smoke and rubble.
“Ugh!” the employee shouted, swearing repeatedly.
The similarities were not lost on Twitter:
The Pontiac Silverdome becomes the first implosion to wish a bus had shielded it from public view.
Many long-suffering Lions fans saw the failed demolition as emblematic of their team’s fortunes, or of their city’s. “Most Detroit thing ever,” one Twitter user wrote. “I guess the building is not used to implosion on a Sunday until 1 pm,” another tweeted.
Other people chose to view it as a symbol of resilience in a city that has suffered deeply in recent decades. After all, the Silverdome is famously dilapidated; The Detroit News called it an “eyesore,”, one of the more polite descriptions but, on Sunday, it stubbornly refused to die.
Rico says it's been a long time since he was in Detroit (he dated a woman in college from Bloomfield Hills), but he won't be back anytime soon.
Rico says it'll be a bigger bang next time.

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