09 November 2017

Kung-fu cats

Rico's friend Kelley forwards this article about cats:

Hisakata Hiroyuki, a talented photographer from Japan, has managed to snap a group of tomcats in a variety of high-flying kung fu-like poses. Using his own rapid-fire reactions, he photographs the lovable cats flying through the air, their legs and paws outstretched, like something out of an action movie.
To shoot these unique poses, Hisakata, 30, uses a simple cat toy, which he dangles above the cats to encourage them to leap through the air. Once the cats are airborne, Hisakata uses his other hand to photograph the cats using a fast shutter speed.
The idea for the series, Hisakata said, came to him around eighteen months ago.
He says he never thought of street cats as particularly playful, and was surprised by the reactions of a selected few when he first tried to interact with them with a cat toy.
The photographer continued to develop his unnamed series, sometimes bringing more than one cat into the equation.
Hiskata, who is from the island of Kyushu in Japan, said people have been surprised by the cats’ poses: “Everyone says, ‘I have never seen that.'” He says he is careful not to hurt the cats, and to limit the shooting time. He also makes sure to use fresh toys, “and I often disinfect it to prevent infections.”
The photographs reveal the cats’ boundless personality.
Rico says cats don't like being teased...

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