13 November 2017

Don't try this at home

The Clarion Project has another spurious assignment for the unwary:

What would you do if your twelve-year-old daughter had a homework assignment asking her to explain to you why she decided to convert to Islam?
This actually happened in a school in Sunderland in northern England, according to the Daily Mail.
Students at the Kepier School were given this assignment:
Write a letter to family about converting to Islam.
Stepfather Mark McLachlan brought the issue to public attention after he refused to allow his stepdaughter to complete her homework. McLachlan said he appreciates students learning about world religions at school but added: “What I do not want is a school asking my stepdaughter to look into reasons for converting to another religion.”
The Clarion Project closely follows the curriculum issue, particularly in the US, where we reported on problematic cases in Maryland, Texas, and elsewhere.

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Rico says he had a Muslim counsellor one summer at Plantation Farm Camp, and we all did a bit of play-acting of a Muslim prayer...

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