07 September 2017

Wild about Harry

Vanity Fair has an article by Sam Kashner about Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's beautiful girlfriend:

Meghan Markle (photo, top) was going to London, England. She had a week’s hiatus before returning to Toronto, Canada to film the hundredth episode of Suits, a surprise-hit series on the USA Network, now in its seventh season. On a rainy afternoon in June, Markle came to her front door and welcomed me into her home on a quiet, tree-lined street in Toronto. Markle was wearing a red, knee-length floral dress (“Erdem, a designer I’ve been wearing for years”), with her rescue dogs, Bogart and Guy, wagging their tails beside her. A slim brunette with a lightly freckled, glowing complexion and an upturned nose, she looks like the sun-kissed California girl she’s always been.
Markle had prepared a lunch of organic greens, a crusty bread to be dipped in olive oil, and pasta tossed with chilies bought from “a little place called Terroni, which they have in Los Angeles and in Toronto. They’re really hot, but if you’re good with heat, then I think they’re going to be your new favorite thing. I’ll give you a little jar to take home.” Her warmth is genuine. She seems to be the happy genius of her home of seven years. “Seven Canadian winters!” she exclaims about her time filming Suits. “A long time for someone who grew up in Southern California.” She has tried to make her Canadian house look like a California bungalow, exposing the hardwood floors and letting in as much light as possible.
For almost a year, rumors have flown about the romance between the actress and Britain’s Prince Harry (photo, bottom), the redheaded hell-raiser, and former Army captain who had completed two tours of duty in Afghanistan, and all-around favorite royal. If Markle and Prince Harry are indeed headed to the altar, she will become the first American to marry into the royal family since Wallis Simpson famously wed King Edward VIII, forcing his abdication from the throne, almost eighty years ago.
Markle is the calm in the center of the media storm inspired by her year-long relationship with the Prince. The couple met in London, England through friends in July of 2016, Markle says. Since then, media coverage of their romance has been so intense, and much so unpleasant, that Prince Harry was moved to issue a statement asking the press and public, essentially, to back off. They haven’t. Even Bogart and Guy have become Instagram stars.
Markle, new to fame, has handled the hoopla with surprising aplomb. “It has its challenges, and it comes in waves; some days it can feel more challenging than others,” she says. “Right out of the gate it was surprising the way things changed. But I still have this support system all around me, and, of course, my boyfriend’s support.”
While arguably the most popular member of the British royal family, Prince Harry is also the most iconoclastic. He’s loved for having been the bad boy in his youth and now the regular guy of the family, for his ten years of army service, including his time in Afghanistan (the only place he ever felt “normal”, he’s said), and in recent years for his philanthropy on behalf of combat veterans.
Vanity Fair contributing editor Sally Bedell Smith, who wrote a biography of Prince Charles, says that “Harry, who could have been the scapegrace sibling, was that for a while.” There was the widely released photo of him looking tipsy at a London nightclub. There was the scuffle with a photographer outside another London nightclub at around three am that resulted in the photographer’s cut lip. There was the “Colonials and Natives” costume party of 2005, in Wiltshire, to which Harry came dressed like Nazi general Erwin Rommel, complete with desert uniform, Wehrmacht badge, and swastika armband. A photo of the prince in this costume landed on page one of the British tabloid The Sun. The public was outraged, and Harry apologized. More recently, cell-phone pictures of Harry carousing with friends in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2012 went viral. “It was probably a classic case of me being too much Army and not enough Prince,” he later admitted.
After Harry ended his stint in the Army, he focused on veterans’ issues. In September of 2014, he organized the Invictus Games, a charity event for wounded combat veterans, named after the 1875 William Ernest Henley poem schoolboys in England once had to memorize, with the famous lines: “I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul.” When Harry turned thirty, he inherited sixteen million dollars from the estate of his mother, Princess Diana, and that is when he determined to spend his time and efforts supporting veterans with physical and psychological injuries.
As Diana’s younger son, Harry continues to bask in the public’s love for the People’s Princess. He has been forgiven his occasional wildness, his drift, the acting out of a broken heart that had sent him into grief counseling in his late twenties. As the royal favorite, there is keen interest in, and much speculation about, the woman he may marry. A rumor floating in cyberspace has that he popped the question last month when they were vacationing in Botswana.
As in the 1957 Marilyn Monroe-Laurence Olivier film, The Prince and the Showgirl, a feeding frenzy surrounds royal and non-royal couplings. Though Markle is extremely pretty and she stars in a television show, you would never call her a “showgirl”. She is too serious, too well brought up. (And outside of Vegas, who’s called a “showgirl” anymore, anyway?) “Grounded” is the word that is often used to describe her.
“I was born and raised in Los Angeles, a California girl who lives by the ethos that most things can be cured with either yoga, the beach, or a few avocados,” she once wrote. Until recently, she maintained a popular lifestyle blog called The Tig. She is a self-described foodie, a passion, incidentally, given to her character on Suits. “I mean, this bread is so good!” she enthuses over the delicious meal she prepared. “It’s that perfect crunch and then the softness. They call it the ‘crumb’, all of these little holes!”
Suits, in which Markle plays ambitious paralegal-turned-lawyer Rachel Zane, first brought the actress to wide attention. (Before that she’d appeared briefly in the movies A Lot Like Love and Horrible Bosses and had minor roles on television in the science-fiction drama Fringe and the soap opera General Hospital, among others.) I asked the boyishly attractive actor Patrick J. Adams, who plays the likable-but-fraudulent lawyer Mike Ross, Rachel’s love interest on Suits, to describe the series and its popularity. 
“I’ve never defined myself by my relationship,” says Markle, who adds that she and Prince Harry were “quietly dating for about six months before it became news”. 
“Getting to a hundred episodes is pretty surreal,” Adams says. “I never thought that a story about six people working in a law firm in New York City would be something that would capture people’s interest all over the globe. I was backpacking through New Zealand a couple of years ago and stopped to help a Swedish guy who had twisted his ankle. He looked up at me, and his eyes went wide, and all he could talk about was how badly he wanted Mike and Rachel to figure things out.”
Mike Ross’ relationship with Rachel Zane is one of those long, simmering teases that take several episodes to come to a boil, but it was clear from their first meeting that they were meant to be together. “I think Mike and Rachel are a classic Romeo-and-Juliet story,” Adams believes. “They come from totally different sides of the tracks. Rachel has taken the path well traveled, worked hard, and followed the rules of the game. Mike is a naturally gifted, brilliant guy but has followed exactly none of the rules.”
When it came to casting Rachel Zane, “we needed somebody in the role that was absolutely engaging, relatable, young enough, who is beautiful in a non-traditional way, and who had an authenticity,” says Bonnie Hammer, chairman of NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment Group.
Aaron Korsh, the show’s creator, recalls that Rachel Zane was particularly challenging to cast because the role required “toughness and attitude, while still being likable. We all looked at each other after Markle’s screen test like, Wow, this is the one! I think it’s because Meghan has the ability to be smart and sharp, but without losing her sweetness.”
When she auditioned for the role, Markle showed up in black jeans, a plum-colored spaghetti-strap top, and heels. It suddenly occurred to her that for the screen test she needed to look less casual and more like a lawyer. She dashed into an H&M and bought a little black dress for $35. Sure enough, she was asked to change into the dress, which she hadn’t even tried on. It fit.
“My parents had been so supportive,” she told Vanity Fair, “watching me audition, trying to make ends meet, taking all the odds-and-ends jobs to pay my bills. I was doing calligraphy, and I was a hostess at a restaurant, all those things that actors do (Kaylee Cuoco on The Big Bang Theory comes to mine). My father knew how hard it is for an actor to get work, so he above all people was so proud that I was able to beat the odds.”
One of the strongest bonds Prince Harry and Markle share is their philanthropy. For Markle, it began at an early age. Her mother, Doria Ragland, made sure that her little girl knew about the greater world and its political and economic challenges when she was growing up in Los Angeles.
“The people who are close to me anchor me in knowing who I am,” Markle says. “The rest is noise.”
Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle, was a successful lighting director in Hollywood; he lit the popular sitcom Married with Children and, for 35 years, General Hospital. Markle recalled that “every day after school for ten years, I was on the set of Married with Children, which was a really funny and perverse place for a little girl in a Catholic-school uniform to grow up.”
Markle says that “What’s so incredible, you know, is that my parents split up when I was two, but I never saw them fight. We would still take vacations together. My dad would come on Sundays to drop me off, and we’d watch Jeopardy, eating dinner on television trays, the three of us. We were still so close-knit.” When she turned eighteen, she left for Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois, becoming the first person in her family to graduate from college, and double-majored in theater and international relations. In line with her international-relations major, Markle worked at the American embassy in Argentina her senior year, “so I had been in a completely different world and then suddenly jumped into this one.”
Markle thinks her social awareness began during the South-Central riots, in Los Angeles, California, sparked by the police beating of Rodney King in 1991, and the subsequent riots in 1992, when she was eleven years old. “They had let us go home from school during the riots, and there was ash everywhere.” As the ash from street fires sifted down on suburban lawns, Markle remembers, she said, “Oh, my God, Mommy, it’s snowing!”
“No, Flower, it’s not snow,” Doria answered. “Get in the house.”
Markle’s friends, family, and fellow actors on Suits are respectful of her relationship with Prince Harry, which has come under harsh criticism in the UK. Tabloids report that Queen Elizabeth will be hesitant to sanction such a match for her grandson, following the ancient rule barring Catholics, commoners, and divorcées. Though not raised Catholic, Markle graduated from a Catholic high school and was married for almost two years to producer Trevor Engelson, and she adds a new wrinkle: her mother is black, her father white. Criticism of Markle has been snob-ridden, racist, and uninformed. The trolls have really gone after her.
Last November, the Daily Star Online announced, “Prince Harry could marry into gangster royalty—his new love is from a crime ridden Los Angeles neighborhood”; “the royal’s future mother-in-law still lives in Crenshaw, surrounded by bloodbath robberies and drug-induced violence.”
“I told her, ‘You’ve got to be who you are, Meghan. You can’t hide,’ ” says Serena Williams.
How does Markle handle the tabloid nonsense about her and Harry? “I can tell you that at the end of the day I think it’s really simple,” she says. “We’re two people who are really happy and in love. We were very quietly dating for about six months before it became news, and I was working during that whole time, and the only thing that changed was people’s perception. Nothing about me changed. I’m still the same person that I am, and I’ve never defined myself by my relationship.”
The media frenzy seems to bother the Prince more than it does Markle. The official statement issued from Kensington Palace by his communications secretary read, in part, “Meghan Markle has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment. Prince Harry is worried about Ms. Markle’s safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her.” As for Markle, she prefers what the British call “ostriching.” She says, “I don’t read any press. I haven’t even read press for Suits. The people who are close to me anchor me in knowing who I am. The rest is noise.”
Markle’s parents “crafted the world around me to make me feel like I wasn’t different, but special,” as she wrote in a 2015 essay for Elle. As dolls in the 1980s were generally sold in sets of black and white, for Christmas one year her father bought “a black mom doll, a white dad doll, and a child in each color. My dad had taken the sets apart and customized my family.”
Problems began in the seventh grade, when she had to complete a mandatory census by checking one of four boxes: “white, black, Hispanic, or Asian.” The pale, freckled, curly-haired Markle felt that to choose either white or black would be a rejection of one of her parents. Her teacher told her to check “Caucasian” because she looked white, but she couldn’t. She ended up leaving the boxes unchecked. “I left my identity blank, a question mark, an absolute incomplete, much like how I felt,” she once said.
Because she is light-skinned and has not made an issue of being bi-racial, though she has embraced it, she has auditioned for white as well as black and Latina roles. There was widespread disbelief among viewers in Season Two of Suits when her black father, a high-powered lawyer played by the charismatic actor Wendell Pierce (of Treme fame), first appeared on the show; most people didn’t think her character, or the actress playing her, was bi-racial.
One thing Markle noticed about how she was perceived was that “at almost every photo shoot they would airbrush out” her freckles. “I’ve always loved my freckles,” she now says, so, when she was photographed for Vanity Fair, she was “thrilled to work with Peter Lindbergh because he rarely retouches and he believes in such little makeup. I gave him a big hug and said, ‘I am so excited to work with you because I know we will finally be able to see my freckles!’ ”
More importantly, what does Queen Elizabeth think of the prospect of a marriage between her grandson and the American divorcée? When asked if she thought the Queen opposed the match, Sally Bedell Smith, who has written biographies of Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, and, most recently, Prince Charles, said that “the stakes are obviously lower in the case of Harry because he is now fifth in line to the throne [in descending order, the others are Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George, and Princess Charlotte]. They have to be concerned; William and Harry will always have a special place because, whatever you think of Diana, she has a magical aura that continues. The fact that Harry and William are half Diana, that will never go away.”
“The Queen is remarkably open-minded and she’s very tolerant,” Smith observes. William was allowed to cohabit with Kate Middleton, even though she’s the daughter of “a very middle-class family. The Queen just looked at who Kate was and that she was in love with her grandson, and that she knew how to conduct herself with dignity and discretion, and that was the most important thing. I would imagine that the Queen’s view of this would be: if they’re in love and they’re well suited, then they should proceed.”
“At the end of the day I think it’s really simple,” Markle says. “We’re two people who are really happy.”
Bonnie Hammer expressed her concern about Markle’s sudden, international fame. “She isn’t somebody who was already a celebrity, who had paparazzi tracking her day and night in Hollywood or New York City or Toronto. She’s going through something that should be the most glorious and open time in her life, to be able to share, but because of circumstances, that’s very hard.”
Markle credits the rock-solid support from her close friends for helping to sustain her. The international tennis great Serena Williams (who recently graced the cover of Vanity Fair) is one of those friends. The two met about seven years ago at the Super Bowl. “Her personality just shines,” Serena said about Markle, who asked her advice on how to handle some of the more extreme results of fame, such as paparazzi showing up at her house and chasing her. “I told her, ‘You’ve got to be who you are, Meghan. You can’t hide.’ ”
Another close friend is the Bahrain-born fashion designer Misha Nonoo. They met in Miami through a mutual friend and immediately bonded. “Her greatest strength is her compassion for others,” says Nonoo. “Much of the work she does is unseen by the public.”
Another close friend is the actress Abigail Spencer, who has been a Suits cast member. When asked why she thinks Harry was drawn to Markle, Spencer says, “She’s got warm elegance, though her style is hard to pin down. It’s classy and timeless. When you’re talking to her, you feel like you’re the only person on the planet. And it’s just wonderful to see her so in love.”
It was raining in Toronto the day we met, and, while this sounds corny, it also happens to be true: as she resumed speaking about Prince Harry, the sun came out, ushering in a brilliant, warm day.
Markle suggested that we move outside into the small garden behind the house, where she opened up even more about the object of her affection, her “boyfriend”, as she calls the Prince.
“We’re a couple,” she explains. “We’re in love. I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time. This is for us. It’s part of what makes it so special, that it’s just ours. But we’re happy. Personally, I love a great love story.”
Just before I filed Markle’s story, she texted me, “going where the wi-fi is weak,” which turned out to be Botswana, a place Harry first visited twenty years ago, shortly after his mother’s death, a place of healing where they celebrated Markle’s 36th birthday. Whatever the future of their relationship, one suspects that, had she lived long enough to meet Meghan, Diana, beloved for her philanthropy as well as her shy beauty, would have approved.
Editor's note: The sentence regarding the first time Markle met Prince Harry has been amended. Markle told Vanity Fair that the couple met in July of 2016.

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