16 August 2017

Trump again

Yahoo has an article via Reuters about the latest petulance by The Donald:

President Donald Trump dismantled two CEO advisory panels on Wednesday as a growing number of chief executives announced their resignations following his response to a weekend of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia that stoked racial tensions nationwide.
"Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy and The Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!" Trump wrote on Twitter.
Adding to a growing list of others, the CEO of 3M announced he is resigning from President Donald Trump's Manufacturing Advisory CouncilInge Thulin, chairman of the board and president and CEO for 3M, said in a statement that "I joined the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative in January to advocate for policies that align with our values and encourage even stronger investment and job growth in order to make the United States stronger, healthier, and more prosperous for all people. After careful consideration, I believe the initiative is no longer an effective vehicle for 3M to advance these goals. As a result, today I am resigning from the Manufacturing Advisory Council."
Thulin was the sixth to drop out of Trump's council in recent days, responding to the President's remarks on the events in Charlottesville over the weekend. Denise Morrison, CEO of Campbell's Soup, announced her resignation shortly after Thulin.
Roughly an hour later, the resignations were rendered moot, as Trump tweeted he was ending both the manufacturing council and the strategy and policy forum.

Rico says that, as the saying goes, is closing the barn door behind the horse...

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