16 August 2017

Idiot for the day

Proving yet again that actors shouldn't try and advocate anything, James Woods weighs in on the Confederate statue tizzy:
Conservative actor James Woods is monumentally unhappy that Confederate statues are being taken down. The movement to destroy these monuments has gained attention following the violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, where white supremacists rallied against the planned displacement of a General Robert E. Lee statue.
The Ghosts of Mississippi actor took to Twitter on Monday to insult #liberals, using the Marine Corps War Memorial to make his point: before the #liberals find a reason to deface, destroy or degrade this one, I thought some of you might like to see it one more time...
Let’s just say that it touched off a bit of a war that was not civil. Here are some of the 93 replies back at Woods:
I too am unable to recognize a difference between the heroes who defeated Fascism and the rancid losers who lost trying to preserve slavery.
Hi I'm conservative dipshit James Woods, and every single statue means the same thing to me. Someone please take me seriously.
You're an asshole. Don't ever compare Marines to Confederate traitors.
Our Marine Corps will never allow that to happen. This is more than a monument. It is every man and woman who has served. God bless the USA!
Don't give in to his rhetoric, liberals wouldn't touch this. For starters, it's not commemorating the owning, beating, and murder of people.
Marine here. Important difference between statue of Marines & a corpsman at Iwo Jima versus Confederate statues: one is of Americans, one is of traitors.
It's not 1997 anymore, James. You can stop playing Hades.
When was your last audition?
Rico says he, too, wonders what Woods is up to these days...

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