22 August 2017

Idiot for the day: Trump stares directly into the Sun without glasses

Rico says he's so glad he didn't vote for this idiot, but is surprised Trump didn't blind himself:

As he and First Lady Melania watched the solar eclipse from the White House, President Donald Trump made the same mistake during the solar eclipse that scientists had been warning against for weeks: he looked directly into the sun without protective glasses.
As President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and their son Barron, eleven, emerged on the Truman Balcony of the White House on Monday, the President put on “eclipse glasses”, then took them off and, for a brief moment, stared upwards at the sun.
“As he did this, someone in a crowd of aides below shouted Don’t look, ” according to The Wall Street Journal‘s Ted Mann, who posted a photo (top) from the moment on Twitter.

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