30 August 2017

Harvey's back

The Washington Post has an Yahoo article by Nomaan Merchant and Juan Lozano about the return of Harvey (not the invisible ghost):

The Texas community of Port Arthur found itself increasingly isolated on Wednesday as Harvey's rains flooded most major roads out of the city and swamped a shelter for victims fleeing the storm that had ravaged the Houston area. The crisis deepened in the coastal city after Harvey rolled ashore overnight for the second time in six days, this time hitting southwestern Louisiana, about 45 miles from Port Arthur.
Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputy Marcus McLellan said he wasn't sure where the hundred or so evacuees at the civic center in Port Arthur would be sent. Most were perched on bleacher seats to stay dry, their belongings left mostly on the floor under about a foot of water, he said. "People started coming to the shelter on Monday," McLellan said. "And now it's just all the rainfall that's coming in, and there's a canal by there also that's overflowing."
In the Houston area, meanwhile, some sunshine was finally in the forecast after five straight days of rain that totaled close to fifty inches, the heaviest tropical downpour ever recorded in the continental United States. But the crisis was far from over. At least eighteen deaths have been recorded, and authorities fear many more bodies may be found when the floodwaters start receding.
The dead include a former football and track coach in suburban Houston and a woman who died after she and her young daughter were swept into a rain-swollen drainage canal in Beaumont. The child was rescued clinging to her dead mother, authorities said.
Some thirteen thousand people have been rescued in the Houston area, and more than seventeen thousand have sought refuge in Texas shelters. With the water still rising in places and many hard-hit areas still inaccessible, those numbers seemed certain to increase, too.
Harvey initially came ashore as a Category 4 hurricane in Texas on Friday, then executed a U-turn and lingered off the coast as a tropical storm for days, inundating flood-prone Houston, the nation's fourth-largest city. Early Wednesday, Harvey paid a return visit, coming ashore near Cameron, Louisiana, and bringing with it 45 mph winds and a heavy dose of rain.
Houston's largest shelter housed ten thousand of the displaced, twice its initial intended capacity, and two additional mega-shelters opened Tuesday for the overflow.
Louisiana's governor offered to take in Harvey victims from Texas, returning a favor done by Houston after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Televangelist Joel Osteen opened his sixteen-thousand-seat Houston megachurch, but only after he was blasted on social media for not acting to help families displaced by the storm.
In an apparent response to scattered reports of looting, Houston imposed a midnight-to-5 am curfew, with police saying violators would be arrested.
Houston has asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency for more supplies, including cots and food, for an additional ten thousand people, according to Mayor Sylvester Turner.
In Port Arthur, Sheriff Zena Stephens told KFDM-TV that authorities were struggling to rescue residents from the flooding.
Mayor Derrick Freeman posted on his Facebook page that "the city is underwater right now, but we are coming!" He also urged residents to get to higher ground and to avoid becoming trapped in attics.
Harvey is expected to weaken as it slogs through Louisiana and makes it way northward, with Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri on alert for flooding in the next couple of days.
"Once we get this thing inland during the day, it's the end of the beginning," said National Hurricane Center meteorologist Dennis Feltgen. "Texas is going to get a chance to finally dry out as this system pulls out." But, Feltgen cautioned: "We're not done with this. There's still an awful lot of real estate and a lot of people who are going to feel the impacts of the storm."
Still, the reprieve from the rain in Houston was welcome.
Eugene Rideaux, a 42-year-old mechanic who showed up at Osteen's Lakewood Church to sort donations for evacuees, said he had not been able to work or do much since the storm hit, so he was eager to get out of his dark house and help. "It's been so dark for days now, I'm just ready to see some light. Some sunshine. I'm tired of the darkness," Rideaux said. "But it's a tough city, and we're going to make this into a positive and come together."
Rico says that hurricanes suck...

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