27 July 2017

Mad magazine strikes again

Kenzie Bryant has an article in Vanity Fair about a great illustration:

Pablo Picasso once said that “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” He also said: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” Another quote goes: “Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.” The guy was a real quote factory, and also the inspiration for Mad Magazine’s August 2017 cover, which features, The MADtropolitan Museum of Art: The Trump Collection 2017.” Come, take a walk through a new gallery of great works of a small man:
“There's obviously a huge shortage of Trump material out there and we pride ourselves on being trailblazers,” Mad editor-in-chief John Ficarra told Vanity Fair. “Seriously, Putin asked us to do it,” he added.
The artwork is, in some way, taking a page from the man himself, who has never hesitated to celebrate his own likeness or even put his face on a magazine cover where it doesn’t belong. Is Mad just giving Trump what he wants by putting him in iconic works of art? That may depend on whether he recognizes Wyeth's Christina’s World or DegasDancer Tilting in the first place. 
The magazine will be available on newsstands on 8 August.
Rico says not since Nixon have they had such a good subject for satire...

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