31 July 2017

Fast, even for Trump

Yahoo has an article by Christopher Wilson about the latest Trump firing:

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci (photo) has been removed from his position after just eleven days on the job.
Anthony Scaramucci will be leaving his role as White House Communications Director,” said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a statement. “Mr. Scaramucci felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team.  We wish him all the best.”
The president announced via Twitter that he would replace his now former chief of staff Reince Priebus with retired, four-star general John Kelly, who had been serving as Secretary of Homeland Security. Priebus left his post that same day, saying he agreed that Kelly was the right man for the job in a pair of televised exit interviews. Scaramucci accepted his short-lived role on 21 July, shortly after the abrupt departure of White House press secretary Sean Spicer. He made headlines less than a week after assuming the post with a profane interview with The New Yorker in which he insulted members of the White House staff, including Priebus, who he also singled out in attacks on Twitter, suggested he believed the one-time RNC chair had leaked information to the media.
The New York Times reported that Scaramucci’s removal came at Kelly’s request. While Scaramucci reported directly to President Trump, the communications director traditionally reports to the White House chief of staff; the arrangement with Scaramucci was a break with protocol.
Over the weekend reports surfaced that that Scaramucci’s wife had filed for divorce in early July of 2017. As news of Scaramucci’s removal broke, reporters raced to Spicer’s office. Spicer, who had announced his resignation when Scaramucci took the job to which he aspired, declined to confirm the news, but was all smiles.
While he he had already stepped into the public eye, Scaramucci’s official start date was set for 15 August, meaning his tenure ended literally before it began.
Rico says , yet again, he wonders why anyone is willing to serve in this wacky administration...

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