06 July 2017

Another idiot politician

Rico says he knows 'idiot' and 'politician' are synonymous, but some are stupider than others, as Jack Holmes explains in this Esquire article:

A Republican congressman from Louisiana drew immediate criticism, including from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, after he shot a crudely-produced selfie video in a gas chamber at the site of the former concentration camp and posted it to YouTube. Representative Clay Higgins seemed to be trying to communicate the horrors of Nazi genocide as part of an argument around the importance of United States military dominance but, in the process, showed a general misunderstanding of Nazism and a lack of decorum in a hallowed space. 
Among the voices that rebuked Higgins, a former law enforcement officer who represents Louisiana's third district, the official statement from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum rang out the loudest:
Everyone has the right to personal reflections. However, inside a former gas chamber, there should be mournful silence. It's not a stage.
The video is generally unsettling, as Higgins often brought the camera close up on his own (ugly) face while discussing the horrors that took place in the rooms around him. It's unclear whether Higgins added the violin music in the background. He does seem to understand the gravity of the atrocities, and the importance of memory and bearing witness to "man's inhumanity to man".
But a lot of the video seems dedicated to grounding an argument for a more robust American military. "This is why Homeland Security must be squared away," Higgins said, standing in front of a cremation oven, "why our military must be invincible." The United States military did play a decisive role in defeating Nazi Germany and liberating camps like Auschwitz, but Higgins does not seem to grasp what Nazism actually was:
The world's a smaller place now than it was in World War Two. The United States is more accessible to terror like this, horror like this. It's hard to walk away from the gas chambers and ovens without a very sober feeling of commitment, unwavering commitment, to make damn sure that the United States of America is protected from the evils of the world.
The horrors at Auschwitz were perpetrated by a government, not a terrorist organization. It was not some outside force acting on Germany; Adolf Hitler rose to power with the assent of the German people, and his crimes were possible— and, technically, legal— because he generally enjoyed the consent of a large segment of the population. The problem with Nazi Germany was not military weakness. It was the ideological depravity of a government run on a toxic brand of right-wing nationalism that demonized foreigners and multiple subgroups within German society, most prominently, and terribly, Jewish people.
The last time Higgins made national headlines, it was when, in a Facebook post addressed to "all of Christendom" after a terror attack in London, England, he had a suggestion for how to treat every "radicalized Islamic suspect." "For the sake of all that is good and righteous," he wrote, "kill them all."
Rico says he's long advocated 'kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out'...

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