09 June 2017

Russian hookers?

Esquire has an article by Jack Holmes about Seth Meyers latest:
We were robbed yesterday of the spectacle of former FBI Director James Comey describing for the Congressional record and millions of viewers how the President of the United States called him out of the blue one day to clarify that he "had not been involved with hookers in Russia."
Luckily, thanks to the relentless 24-hour news cycle slowly grinding us all to a pulp, we got to hear newscasters say it repeatedly in the build-up after the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday released the text of Comey's "opening statement," in which he described the President calling him on 30 March 2017 to discuss, among other things, Russian prostitutes.
Seth Meyers' team put together a montage of newsmen and women saying it with various levels of giddiness:
Obviously, Wolf Blitzer is the shining star here: "A lot of the dossier actually was substantiated, but that particularly salacious detail was not," Senator Sheldon Whitehouse told him. "The salacious detail about the hookers," Wolf deadpanned.
But beyond being cable news and late night catnip, this is yet another sign that American politics— and the American presidency— is now sinking under the weight of its own absurdity. Daily events are now so beyond the pale that, as Meyers pointed out, we now greet the revelation the president is calling up one of the nation's top law enforcement officials to tell him he's got nothing to do with prostitutes in a foreign land with a half-shrug.
"You're almost surprised Trump didn't throw in a second country," Meyers said, then, mimicking Trump: "I had nothing to do with hookers in Russia or Thailand...We had a great time there, with no hookers."
Of course, this isn't all fun and games. This is one of many ways that the institution of the Presidency has been continually degraded over the last few months, as the reputation and credibility and national honor of the United States has been mortgaged by a president with no respect for the office he holds. He does not behave like we expect a president to, because he doesn't know how and doesn't care.
But don't worry: he also doesn't know anything about the hookers.
Rico says if Trump didn't avail himself of those Russian hookers, he's sure they were disappointed...

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