07 June 2017

Another Trump idiot

Esquire has an article by Jack Holmes about Eric Trump:

One of the great lessons of history is that it's not a good idea to dehumanize people, particularly when you are a powerful person with a large platform. President Trump did so with Muslims and journalists during his campaign. No one ever accused his son, Eric, of being The Smart One, so he went a step further last night. Eric joined Sean Hannity's show, now your number one source for conspiracy theories and harassment of the family of a 27-year-old murder victim, to explain that his father's Democratic opponents were not just political enemies. They are "not even people."
"Morality's just gone," Trump added. "Morals have flown out the window." You've got that right, Eric. After all, perhaps one of the reasons the scion was so upset last night was that reports emerged earlier in the day that his father decided a few years back that the Trump Organization needed a piece of the donations flowing into Eric's charity meant to help kids with cancer.
Once you get by the dangerous rhetoric, though, you can move on to the whining. Trump bleated about Democratic "obstruction," as if the Republican Party did not embark on an unprecedented campaign of obstruction immediately after President Barack Obama took office in 2009. That included blocking eighjty of his nominees for judicial and executive positions at one point, compared to ninety that Congress blocked under all other presidents combined. That culminated, of course, with the absurd treatment of Merrick Garland, Obama's constitutionally-granted Supreme Court nominee.
But the crying wasn't restricted to Trump's ill-defined policy agenda. (After all, what tax plan are the Democrats blocking? What infrastructure plan? What healthcare bill will even come out of the Senate?) The world is also obstructing Trump, Inc.
"They try to obstruct a great man. They try to obstruct his family," Eric went on. If he's talking about highlighting conflicts of interest and the family's attempts to (literally) capitalize on the presidency, he's spot on. Just this week, we learned that Eric and his brother the business card enthusiast are looking to open up a "budget" hotel chain to cater to their father's supporters in Trumpland. It will debut in Mississippi, the heart of it all, where Trump won by eighteen points. Jared Kushner kept ninety percent of his real estate holdings while rising to become one of the most powerful people in the White House, and Ivanka is still selling her stuff, sometimes with the televised seal of approval of White House senior staff.
But don't let any of that interrupt your monologue about how tough your beastly enemies are making life for you.
Rico says you start to wonder how smart any of the Trump's are...

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