16 May 2017

Trump, pandering to the Russians again

The Washington Post has an article (which Rico can't afford just now, sorry) by Greg Miller about Trump's latest gaffe:

Trump (photo, center) revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov (photo, left) and its ambassador, Sergei Kislyak (photo, right). The president was boasting of the “great intel” he receives when he discussed intelligence provided by a US partner.

Rico says the BBC article is, thankfully, still free:
President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information about so-called Islamic State (IS) to Russia's foreign minister, American media reported.
The information, related to the use of laptops on aircraft, came from a partner of the US which had not given permission for it to be shared with Russia, says The Washington Post.
National Security Adviser HR McMaster dismissed the reporting as "false".
The Trump campaign's alleged links to Moscow have dogged his presidency and are part of several investigations. But the president has dismissed such allegations as "fake news".
Rico says the 'partner' was, undoubtedly, the Brits or the Germans, either of whom'll be pissed...

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