08 May 2017

FGM? No.

The Clarion Project has an article by Meira Svirsky and a video (if you can stomach watching it) about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM):

A former United Nation’s adviser appeared on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show to argue in favor of female genital mutilation, calling the brutal procedure “female circumcision.” (See video below)
Deflecting Carlson’s continual question as to whether or not it is moral to force a life-altering surgery on a young girl who has no choice in the matter, Dr. Fuambai Ahmadu kept comparing FGM to male circumcision. At one point, in reference to the barbaric procedure, she stated that in her country, Sierra Leone, it could be labeled “gender equality surgery.”
Commenting on the current FGM case ongoing in America where a Muslim doctor and her accomplices were arresting for performing FGM on young girls in Michigan, Ahmadu argued FGM was misunderstood.
Saying that people assume FGM involved removing the entire clitoris, Ahmadu said that would be impossible and cause death, since it is a large organ. However, what she failed to mention was that removal of the exterior part of the clitoris is precisely what the surgery entails, as well as in many cases, removal of all the exterior genital organs of a girl.
Ahmadu was formerly the lead consultant at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and former health specialist at the National Institute of Child Health. She voluntarily underwent FGM as an adult and is currently the editor-in-chief a women’s quarterly magazine “dedicated to empowering circumcised women and girls in Africa and worldwide,” according to her website.
Ahmadu is also co-founder of African Women Are Free to Choose (AWAFC), an organization that counters anti-Female Genital Mutilation campaigns.
FGM includes all procedures involving partial or complete removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Short-term complications can include hemorrhaging, pain, shock, and even death, while long-term complications include formation of cysts, problems with sexual intercourse and giving birth, chronic pelvic infection and sterility.
The trauma of FGM often lasts a lifetime and can cause depression and anxiety, among other psychological problems. FGM reduces or eliminates sexual pleasure for the victim. It has been illegal in the United States since 1996.
Male circumcision, by contrast, involves health benefits and leaves the male sexual organ intact.

Watch the clip from Tucker Carlson Tonight:

Rico says he watched a recent segment of Call the Midwife that showed the difficulties of a pregnant African woman (photo, above) who'd had it done to her, and anyone promoting it should first volunteer to have it done to them. Rico can't believe that an intelligent and educated woman like Dr. Ahmadu would do so voluntarily... (Having had not one but two circumcisions, the first one having been badly done, Rico says he can speak to the benefits, including reduced transmission of sexual diseases, of having it done.  If you've having it done to your male child, have it done by a mohel; they know what they're doing.)

A guy who didn't like it, either, has his own video about it:

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