16 May 2017

Assad, doomed

The Jerusalem Post has an article by Byanna Ahronheim about Assad:

Israeli Housing Minister Yoav Galant (photo) called for the assassination of Syrian President Bashar Assad, following the reports of the regime using a crematorium to hide their atrocities outside Damascus, Syria.
“The reality in which people are executed in Syria, being hit deliberately by chemical weapons, their bodies being burned, something we haven’t seen in seventy years, we are crossing a red line and it is time to eliminate Assad, literally,” Galant, a former major-general in the IDF and a current member of the National Security Council, said on at the Second International Ground Warfare and Logistics Conference at Latrun, outside of Jerusalem.
Earlier on Tuesday, in an interview with Army Radio, Galant charged that the rule of the Assad regime was the worst since the Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler in Germany during World War Two. "What is happening in Syria is defined as genocide, under all its classifications," he told Army Radio. The Kulanu minister added that Israel wants to see Assad and his Alawite regime fall from power and be replaced by a moderate Sunni ruler.
The American State Department has accused the Assad regime of having constructed a crematorium at the notorious Sednaya military prison near Damascus to burn the bodies of prisoners that continue to be executed inside. "Beginning in 2013, the Syrian regime modified a building within the Saydnaya complex to support what we believe is a crematorium," said Assistant Secretary of State Stuart Jones, adding that “we believe that the building of a crematorium is an effort to cover up the extent of mass murders taking place in Sednaya prison. These atrocities have been carried out seemingly with the unconditional support from Russia and Iran,” the main backers of the Assad regime.
According to Galant, while it is unclear whether or not the crematorium was in use for all those years, it is imperative that something must now be done. The Obama administration made a “strategic mistake” Galant said, by “deviating” from the course of supporting Sunni countries in order to try to come closer to Shi'ite countries, something which Galant said is different in the Trump administration.
Up until a year-and-a-half ago, Syria looked like it was heading towards Sunni rule, but, following the Russian intervention, who used methods first used in Chechnya such as blockading cities while continuing aerial bombardments, the will of the rebels to fight was broken and the tides turned.  But, while the Russians are currently backing Assad, they realize the importance of the region and understand who they are aligned with, Galant said. “They realize that, once the war is over, there will still be twenty million Sunnis in Syria who will be wanting to avenge their dead, and the Russians know they will be a target,” Galant said, adding that the Russians will “seek avenues to make relations better with the Sunnis, including sacrificing Assad.” The major threat to Israel remains Iran, which wishes to open up a Shi'ite land bridge from Teheran through Iraq to Damascus in order to get to Israel.    
“What is behind Syria is Hezbollah, who is backed by Iran. Iran is a danger to the security of the entire world. Iran is the problem, not the solution.” By getting to Assad, Galant said, we get to Teheran.  “When we get the tail of the snake we can get the head in Tehran, too.” 
Rico says that, if the Israelis are calling for your head, you're doomed, and Rico has been advocating sending a Tomahawk into Assad for a long time... (But it seems that Galant is no relation to Galland...)

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