07 April 2017

Norway Is building a tunnel for ships

From Time, an article by Zamira Rahim about a serious construction project:

Norway is aiming to build a tunnel for ships, stretching to over five thousand feet, the first of its kind.
The Stad Ship Tunnel (computer-generated photo, above) will let ships avoid part of the Stadlandet peninsula, which is narrow and where the weather conditions pose a possible danger for ships, NBC News reports.
The tunnel will be around a hundred feet wide and nearly two hundred feet tall. Ships that weigh up to sixteen thousand tons will be able to travel within the tunnel, which is expected to cost around three hundred million dollars.
The construction of the tunnel, which will cut through the rocky peninsula, will require engineers to take out eight million tons of rock, Terje Andreassen, the project manager, told NBC. Work will begin in 2019, with the project expected to finish in 2023.
Rico says the Norwegians think big...

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