14 March 2017

Sean Spicer gets confronted in an Apple Store

From The Washington Post, a BBC article about a confrontation in an Apple Store with Sean Spicer:

An American woman of Indian descent accused White House press secretary Sean Spicer (photo) of racism after an exchange in an Apple Store in Washington, DC.
Shree Chauhan, 33, challenged Spicer as he was shopping, asking: "How does it feel to work for a fascist?", meaning President Donald Trump.
Spicer said: "It's such a great country that allows you to be here."
Chauhan videoed the encounter and posted it online, drawing three hundred thousand views since Saturday. She has been attacked online after posting the video, with critics branding her "vile" and accusing her of harassment.
When asked by reporters about the encounter, Spicer said: "I interact with individuals all day long. Ninety-nine percent of them are pleasant, even with people who may not agree with our philosophy or programs, whatever."
It's a free country, he added, and people can act how they want, no matter how that's interpreted. "And as long as they stay on the right side of the First Amendment, we're good."
The footage shows Spicer responding to the initial barb, about working for a fascist, by smiling and saying: "We have a great country."
Chauhan, the founder of an education start-up, then asks him: "Have you helped with the Russian stuff?  Are you a criminal as well? Have you committed treason, too, just like the President?"
Spicer can then be heard saying: "It's such a great country that allows you to be here."
"What can you tell me about Russia, Mr Secretary?" Chauhan persists.
Spicer then walks away saying: "Thank you very much," while Chauhan repeats: "You know you work for a fascist, right?"
In a blog post, Chauhan wrote that she is an American citizen who was born and raised in the United States. She said she was "stunned" by the press secretary's comment, writing: "That is racism and an implied threat."
Chauhan, who is the daughter of immigrants, acknowledged that she was "impolite" in her comments to the Trump aide. She said she wanted to seize the "enormous opportunity to get answers without the protections normally given to Spicer".
Rico says at least it wasn't a PC store...

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