07 March 2017

Obamacare goes under the knife

From: "TIME Politics" <TIME@email.time.com>
Date: March 7, 2017 at 12:04:18 PM EST
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Subject: Obamacare goes under the knife
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March 07, 2017

By Zeke J. Miller


House Republicans released their long-promised draft of legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare Monday evening. The bill would eliminate the individual and employer mandates, trade out subsidies for tax credits, repeal a host of taxes, cut funding to Planned Parenthood, and phase out Medicaid expansion. The White House has taken a measured response to the legislation, welcoming it but acknowledging that changes will need to be made to win over conservative Republicans—some of whom are already lining up to oppose it as "Obamacare-lite." The bill is a long, long way from passage, even in the House, as opponents are tearing through the complex legislation for objectionable provisions. And it faces an even more uncertain future in the Senate, where a significant group of Republican lawmakers are on record about wanting to to keep Medicaid expansion dollars for states. The extent and timing of the White House's involvement in the legislation is as yet unclear—as is just how much political capital the president is willing to expend on it.

President Donald Trump has now twice endorsed a congressional investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 election, as he encouraged lawmakers to also investigate intelligence leaks and his allegations against President Obama. But even so, he's not committed to accepting the investigation's conclusions, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters. Spicer also wouldn't rule out the possibility that Trump could testify before the investigating committees.

The White House's attempted negotiation with Planned Parenthood. What to know about the new travel ban. And a "see-through" border wall?

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

What to Know About President Trump's Revised Travel Ban

Green card holders and Iraqi citizens now exempt [TIME]

The White House Is Celebrating the Rollout of President Trump's New Travel Ban

This time there's controversy, but no chaos [TIME]

Trump Tells Planned Parenthood Its Funding Can Stay if Abortion Goes

Group declines Trump's offer, stands to lose funding in Obamacare replacement [New York Times]

Sessions updates testimony to Congress

Insists he was 'correct' to say he had no communication with Russians in campaign [Washington Post]

Conservatives pan House Obamacare repeal bill

'This is Obamacare by a different form' [Politico]

Sound Off

"Unlike Obamacare, our legislation doesn't include policies that discriminate against specific industries." —A House GOP aide on why their replacement for Obamacare will allow the healthcare industry to deduct compensation above $500,000.

"Well, I don't think you would ever just blanketly say 'I'm going to accept any outcome.'" —White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on whether the president would accept the outcome of the congressional investigation he's now endorsed.

Bits and Bites

WikiLeaks Published Thousands of Documents That Allegedly Came From the CIA [Associated Press]

President Trump Accused Obama of Releasing 122 Gitmo Prisoners Who 'Returned to the Battlefield.' He's Wrong [TIME]

Mulvaney: Parts of border wall could be 'see-through' [Politico]

Official NPS Photos Show President Trump's Inauguration Was Smaller Than Obama's [TIME]

Trump plan pays for immigration crackdown with cuts to coastal, air security [Politico]

Trump Calls South Korean Leader to Plan Response to Pyongyang's Missile Launches [Reuters]

Here's How the GOP's Healthcare Bill Deals With Obamacare's Insurance Mandate [TIME]

The White House Copied Exxon's Press Release in a Statement Praising Exxon [TIME]

Homeland Security Chief Says He's Considering Separating Immigrant Children From Parents [TIME]

'Still a Muslim Ban': Lawmakers React to President Trump's Travel Ban [TIME]

President Trump Argued His Travel Ban Should Surprise 'Bad Dudes.' His New Version Gives 10 Days' Notice [TIME]

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