21 February 2017

Sweden? Nothing happening

The Washington Post has an article by Rick Noack about Trump's delusion about Sweden:

President Trump caused confusion during a Saturday rally in Florida when he said: “You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?” Trump then mentioned the French cities of Nice and Paris and the Belgian capital of Brussels. The three European cities were attacked by terrorists over the past two years.
Although Trump did not explicitly say it, his remarks were widely perceived in the United States and abroad as suggesting that an attack had occurred Friday night in Sweden.
At a rally in Florida on 18 February, President Trump listed several countries with large numbers of refugees that were recently struck by terror attacks. "You look at what happened last night in Sweden," Trump said, but Swedish authorities were not aware of any such incident that night.
Trump attempted to clarify his remarks, tweeting Sunday: “My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on FoxNews concerning immigrants and Sweden.”
Rico says the guy's just making it up as he goes along... (But that he gets his news from Fox is scary, and that he uses Twitter to communicate is, too...)

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