27 December 2016

Neo-Nazis planning an armed march against Jews

From Slate, an article by Osita Nwanevu about some neo-idiots:

The founder of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer has announced that the site’s campaign of harassment against Jews in alt-right leader Richard Spencer’s hometown of Whitefish, Montana, will continue with an armed march in January of 2017. Andrew Anglin claimed on Thursday that two hundred people are already expected to participate in the march “against Jews, Jewish businesses, and everyone who supports either”, which will take demonstrators carrying “high-powered rifles” through the center of the town.
“We will be busing in skinheads from the Bay Area,” he wrote. “I have already worked out most of the details with the leaders of the local groups. Several of our top supporters from Silicon Valley have offered to provide significant support for the march, but we may need to solicit donations to pay for gas/food for the skinheads.”
Anglin’s announcement of the armed march immediately followed a reminder to his readers to avoid “suggestions of violence” against Whitefish’s Jews. The site has been targeting the town’s Jewish population since a post on Dec. 16 listing the names, pictures, contact information, and addresses of Jews in Whitefish, including members of the anti-hate group Love Lives Here and real-estate agent Tanya Gersh, who allegedly called on Richard Spencer’s mother, Sherry Spencer, to sell a downtown mixed-use building and donate the proceeds or face protests. “This is the Jews for you, people,” Anglin wrote at the time. “They are a vicious, evil race of hate-filled psychopaths.” Anglin’s targets for harassment also included Gersh’s husband and young son.
On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that local police had “stepped up patrols” and were working with the FBI in response to Anglin’s campaign. Despite Anglin’s warnings to his readers against “threats of violence or anything even close to that,” the Times reported that messages referencing violence were, in fact, received:
Rachel Carroll-Rivas, a co-director of the Montana Human Rights Network, said in a telephone interview they have received threatening messages by telephone, through website forms, and on social media accounts.
She quoted one message as saying: “All of you deserve a bullet through your skull. Choke on a shotgun and die. All of you would be of greater worth to society as human fertilizer than citizens.”
On Wednesday, Anglin issued the following further instructions to Stormer readers:
Buy or borrow a copy of Mein Kampf and host a story hour for your neighborhood kids. Share the story of what happened in Billings, Montana in the 1990s, when they rallied around a Jewish family to harass goyim.
Get a Nazi flag for your window (window cling or candle holder) to show solidarity with your Aryan brothers and sisters during the Hanukkah holiday (24 December to 1 January).
Print off a pdf of the Nazi swastika and post it in your car or home or business.
The event in Billings, Montana that Anglin refers to was a harassment campaign initiated by white supremacists in 1993 after that town’s residents responded to the throwing of a brick through the window of a Jewish boy by putting up menorahs. “Over two weeks in December,” The Associated PressTom Laceky wrote in 1994, “white supremacists broke windows at two Jewish homes and two churches that displayed menorahs, shot bullets through windows at Billings Central Catholic High School, and stomped and battered six vehicles at homes displaying menorahs, telling two owners in phone calls to ‘go look at your car, Jew-lover.’ ”
Anglin’s Thursday post announcing the armed march included a new list of contact information for Collaborators with Jew Racketeers, including local small businesses thought to support Love Lives Here, Gersh’s employers, and the clients of Gersh’s husband, who is an attorney.
Anglin followed the post on Friday with a list of demands for Gersh and Love Lives Here, including a call for Gersh to write “a public, written apology to Richard Spencer’s mother, an admission of wrongdoing, and a statement that she hopes Mrs. Spencer’s business will succeed.”
Anglin claims the march and harassment campaign will be called off if the demands are met. If not, the march will go on. “We’re shooting for the second week of January,” Anglin writes. “Just before the inauguration.”
Rico says he's known some Jews to be armed, and Anglin sounds like the very definition of a hate-filled psychopath.

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